Nina Lekhi
Nina Lekhi, MD and Chief Design Curator, Baggit, is an entrepreneur by profession and a role model for many aspiring entrepreneurs. Her shefoughtback journey starts as she had flunked her first year of college in Sophia Polytechnic, pretty close to her house. Coming from a very sheltered background, she was completely distorted with what she should do with her life ahead. Failure just compounded and she became a complete rebel. She wanted to prove that she not only have artistic skills but also business acumen which was always a man’s domain. She tried multiple jobs and was ready to work 24/7. She started doing a lot of cloth and canvas bags in the beginning because that was the easiest thing available to a 17-year-old girl! Going to the market and stocking up colorful materials, to patch them up into different layouts and then make different handbags- that’s exactly what she did! But it was not easy. A young girl exploring the famous Abdul Rehman Street was hard to digest especially for my family.
But she was determined and after a series of experiments, she got an opportunity to place her products in a few retail stores, Regal being one of them. By then it was time for the wedding bells to ring! And for a moment she thought, how will she manage her home and her business? For the longest time, she juggled between both. But her sheer conviction and persistence helped her convert Baggit from a boutique run by two to a company of 750 employees. Your dream is your own and only you have to make it come true.