Women Empowerment Mission

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WEM (Women Empowerment Mission) 2019-2022, powered by SheReal, is a three-year journey, commencing from 2019 to 2022, covering over 260 districts, thus impacting over 10.5 lakh women (3.5 lakh per year) across the life cycle of the project.

To affect the lives of around 10.5 lakh women across the project life cycle (3.5 lakh women each year) in a positive way, which could inspire them to become future leaders, innovators & decision-makers.

Our vision is to see every woman in india financially empowered. since women in this country have unprecedented potential to break new ground in the realm of leadership & philanthropy, as we have seen in the past and the present. our vision is to see these women, who have the potential to lead, to go on and fulfill that very potential and create numerous opportunities for others as well, who follow in their footsteps.

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Health & Hygiene

– Organize Health Camps
– Menstrual Hygiene Awareness
– Meditation & Positive Thinking
– Nutrition
– Dental Health Camps
– Awareness of Preventive &  Promotive Health
– Sanitation
– Good Hygiene Practices

Financial Empowerment

– Life with Dignity
– Techniques of Financial Empowerment
– Savings and Other Benefits Offered by Government
– Banking & Financial Services
– Government Schemes and Plans to Promote Entrepreneurship amongst Women

Legal & Fundamental Rights

– Training on Gender Equality
– Voice against Domestic Violence
– Awareness of Legal rights – Women & Girl Child
– Awareness of Fundamental Rights `

Education Of Women & Girl Child

– Awareness: Education is a Need, Not a Privilege
– Spending Money on Education Instead of Marriage
– Awareness of Government Initiatives on Girl Child
– Digital Literacy
– Train the Trainers (TTT)
– Professional Courses
– Skill-Based Learnings
– Addressing the Educational Needs of Locals
– Training on Self Defense


– Local Skill based Programs
– Training cum Production Centers
– Creating Employment Opportunities
– Empowering Unprivileged Women through Employability Training
– Self Help Groups and Cluster Work Training