Ina Singha

Ina Singha

she’s Ina Singha and her Shefoughtback journey starts from when she was in class 12. She always gave studies her first preference as she was always taught that dance can never be a good option for her career. She was not allowed to even learn dancing but deep inside, whenever she was stressed, dance gave her strength, peace and it always worked like therapy to her. Then she realized she doesn’t have to be ashamed of something that she loves to do. She can carry dance along with her studies so she fought back and she decided to show her talent on YouTube without any support from anyone. She feels proud when people come forward and tell her that she inspires them and always supports and encourages her. She thanks WIEF & SheReal for giving her the platform where they can openly tell their stories to the world so that she can inspire other women to break the glass ceiling and rock the world. Further, she nominates, Anwesha, Priyakshi, Akarshana, and all aspiring women to come up with their stories. Let’s share, care and grow.

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