Ritu pal
Ritu pal a business women, she used to make customized bag and sell them on Flipkart or other online websites. Her #shefoughtback journey starts when she started her own business of customized bags and selling them on Flipkart. She was married at the age of 16, she was a mother of two child and was from a very small town. So starting from being a housewife from a village becoming an entrepreneur sounded far-fetched. But she did it, her kids help her to make her business online on Flipkart.
She excitedly re-design bags & put 25 of them up for sale–it took a month for her to sell just 1. But that didn’t matter, she was happy that she earned for the 1st time, she made Rs 254! She worked very hard, for her financial needs she borrowed loan. Every month, she produce 200 bags, but she become sad when barely 20 would sell she almost gave up. She thought, ‘I’m not talented’. Her relatives would say, ‘Women must be housewives!’
But that’s when her family told her, ‘One doesn’t give up on their passion. They improve upon them!’ she was motivated to work harder and by 2019, she saved enough to repay her loan, buy her husband a car & her son a Scotty.
Today, that same housewife who once believed she wasn’t meant to be ambitious earns in lakhs! And now her ambition is to earn double of what she’s making. And now when she hear people say, ‘Women aren’t meant for business,’ all she have to do is show them her sales & their opinions change.