Nishtha Thaker
National Award 2019 receiver, Nishtha Thaker, her #shefoughtback journey started as she is suffering from a genetic disorder, as well as she is handling Spreading Smile Charitable Trust (SSCT) and the NGO which is dedicated to the cause, welfare, and rehabilitation of the people suffering from Muscular Dystrophy (MD) and for all kinds of disabilities as well, since 2008. A lady with intelligence and a golden heart, Nishtha works with the Indian Institute Of Management Ahmedabad is one of the leading business schools across the globe apart from this she gives meaning to the life of fellow friends and adults with special needs by empowering them mentally physically and emotionally so that they can achieve their dreams and the purpose of their life and get the deserving place in the society. She believes and lives the below lines. “Life means to convert others’ dreams into reality”.Nishtha married an Architect and Professor in an architecture institute in Ahmedabad, Krishna Anand in 2010. They have proved that a successful relationship only needs true love, understating, and care. She feels complete after giving birth to a daughter “Aakanksha”.