Ninja jagan Singh Devi
Ninja jagan Singh Devi is a model, who started modeling at the age of 19, and now as an entrepreneur she motivates women to fight back for themselves. Her shefoughtback journey started when she got pregnant at the age of 22, her boyfriend freaked out & made it clear that he didn’t want the baby. She wasn’t ready either, but she hoped that her boyfriend would be supportive; instead he called her a ‘whore’ & demanded that she prove it was his child that broke her.
She was terrified of what her family would say. So she confided in her best friend who took her to the abortion clinic. She was 7 weeks pregnant & she had to go through a surgical abortion. Before the procedure, the doctor looked at her as a criminal. After the surgery, she stayed with her best friend where she bled in her room for days. She always blames herself for killing her own child. At home, nobody knew about her secret & she pretended to be happy. She was carrying her trauma within her as she went through everyday life.