Megna Jain
Megna Jain Founder and CEO at Dream A Dozen, her shefoughtback journey starts when she baked her 1st cake at the age of 15. And then, held a bake sale on WhatsApp at age of 18. Overnight, she sold 90 cupcakes. That day she decided to be a baker. After her graduation, she worked towards this goal. 2 years after working in the industry, she started Dream a Dozen on WhatsApp.
Over the years, her work expanded & she built an all-women team and just when she planned on opening her café the pandemic hit, it was very hearbroken moment for her but She got the support of her WhatsApp community and selled a good no. of cakes.
After the pandemic is over She is still in touch with her clients, especially those who ordered during the pandemic, She send them brownies on the New Year, to let them know that they kept her going during a difficult time.